Loneliness in the workplace is a lot more common than most think, with one in four adults feeling lonely some or all of the time.
It’s extremely important to raise awareness of the impact that loneliness can have on our mental health, and to know that you’re not alone if you’re feeling lonely.
We have put together a couple of ways that you can try to combat loneliness when working, trying these tips our may give you a better relationship with your work and leave you feeling more uplifted than before…
Rethink Working Methods
With the working world slowly turning into a remote-only place, it can get extremely lonely when you live by yourself and also work by yourself, with many opting for hybrid methods to still have contact with co-workers.
Rethinking your working methods if you are working remotely may be a great start towards combating loneliness, even if that means commuting one day per week to the office and seeing some familiar faces.
When working from the office, you should create an open and collaborative layout within the workplace by opening doors and removing obstructions, or if you don’t have the option for hybrid working, ensure that your at-home working environment has plenty of resources so you don’t get bored. These could include turning on the radio, putting on your favourite TV show in the background or taking a walk with friends on your lunch break.
Acknowledge It
The first step to combating loneliness is acknowledging that you’re feeling it and that it’s present in your life, and there is nothing wrong or unordinary with that.
Loneliness affects over 25% of adults, so it’s crucial to know that you’re not alone and that you will be able to get support if that’s what you wish for.
If you’re finding that your working days are dragging, you don’t enjoy working or you feel left out, those can be noticeable signs of loneliness.
Reach Out
Once you have acknowledged the issue, reaching out is the best way to combat loneliness – there is support available and it’s a great stepping stone to speak to your co-workers or team leader about the issues you’re experiencing.
Reaching out can come in many forms, whether that be speaking to someone within your workplace, a mental health charity such as Mind or someone that is close to you.
Don’t suffer in silence, loneliness can be detrimental to your mental health and will impact not only your work but your everyday life.
If you’re someone that doesn’t suffer from loneliness – ask yourself if you think you’re approachable to a team member who is struggling, or if someone reaches out, offer them a helping hand.
Avoid Overthinking
Overthinking can be our worst enemy, so it can also play a part in feeling extreme loneliness.
There may be instances in which you aren’t participating in team events, or building relationships with co-workers due to overthinking, whether that may be thinking that your team may have a misconception of you. The majority of us struggle with overthinking, but grounding your thoughts and making them as realistic as possible is key.
Don’t assume that others won’t like spending their time with you – branch out and build meaningful relationships.
Loneliness can be highly detrimental to your mental health – that’s why it’s important to acknowledge it and reach out as soon as you see the starting signs.
Knowing when to change your environment or working habits to switch the way you’re thinking into a more positive mindset is a brilliant way of combating those issues.
Needing advice or a helping hand when it comes to loneliness in the workplace? Send an email to info@zest-learning.com and we’ll be happy to help.