
They Wanted...
As part of our work as Eversheds Sutherland associates, we've worked with a number of clients. These have ranged from large, multi-sited companies to smaller, future-focused organisations across the UK.
We Created...
We designed a range of onboarding and induction training, tools and materials to help shape the overall people proposition and ways of working for a team unlocking the future of space access and hypersonic flight. We have also designed and delivered values-based leadership training workshops in addition to crafting materials that support the whole employee engagement proposition.
They Wanted...
The in-house Learning & Development Specialists at Morrisons were wanting to create training modules that supported the business's next generation of leaders. They turned to us to help with the shaping, designing and content creation for their Graduate Training Days.
We Created...
We created Graduate Workshops packed to the brim with activities, top tips, key learnings, theory and practical exercises. These have been delivered within the business with great success and received amazing feedback. These workshops were created with sustainability in mind, and we provided clear, succinct and easy to use Facilitator Guides and Presentation Packages - meaning future sessions can now be owned in house.


They Wanted...
An agile leadership development programme for first line leaders across the whole group (3 airports and head office). It was essential that the programme was aligned perfectly to the vision, mission and values of the group as a whole and had elements of both self-directed learning options and face-to-face training modules for circa 600 delegates.
We Created...
A vibrant and information set of 6 modules, all focussed on modern day leadership and coaching skills. We designed facilitation guides, presentations and workbooks to accompany each module, ensuring MAG were left with some simple solutions for sustainable success in the future. We also created a Learning Journal for all delegates, packed full of useful models, theory and insight for self-directed learning. We have since gone on to deliver this programme to other levels of supervisors and managers in the business and taken some elements into Graduate and Apprentice programmes.